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At no point would I have described my birth as painful, the one word I would use would be empowered!

This birth story is a true representation of the power of Hypnobirthing and that these techniques work. If you are willing to educate yourself and do the work and practise what I teach you then you too can achieve a birth like this. I am now offering all of my courses through Live Online Webinar training and offering a $100 discount off my normal group rate so now bringing my course fee down to only $495 for the full 12-hour course. CLICK HERE for all of my upcoming course dates. - Grab a cuppa and enjoy reading this AMAZING birth Story - Shari


On Tuesday night I woke up at 10:30 pm thinking I needed to go to the bathroom. While sitting on the toilet half asleep I thought, gosh I don't feel right and then thought oh we could be on here!! I grabbed the gym ball and bounced on it at the end of the bed. At 11 pm I decided that I was definitely having surges so I woke Gavin. He sat straight up and repeated 3 times, how long and how far apart. But because he was saying it so fast I couldn't understand what he was saying. He started timing them, and we both agreed that I as in labour. He then got worried because he hadn't put the Hypnobirthing music on his phone yet, so he grabbed the laptop to start playing the tracks while he also put them on his phone.

After a while of sitting on the gym ball, I decided to jump in the shower as I was having a bit of back pain. So Gavin moved the music into the bathroom and held the shower head on my lower back. I started feeling very nauseous during the surges and was sick a few times.

Around 12:30 am we called Frankie to let her know what was happening. She said to keep her updated and to keep the warm water on my back for the back pain, and to try the gym ball again.

Around 3:30 am I asked Gavin to call Frankie because I wanted to see her because the back pain wasn't giving up, and I couldn't get comfortable. Frankie arrived at our house around 4:30 am and examined me and I was 5cm dilated, so she said we could head to the hospital and I could have an injection for nausea and have some sterile water injections in my back for the pain if I wanted.

At around 5 am we where in the car on the way to the hospital. We called all the parents to let them know what was happening. My mum said okay, I'll go to the house and get the bags, Gavin's reply was Lyn, we have just left the house so we have the bags We also called Jacinta (my best friend who is also a midwife at the birth centre)to let her know we were heading to the hospital. It just happened to be that she was getting up to get ready for work so she said she would meet us there.

Once we got to the hospital we walked into the room, and the lights where off and Frankie had fairy lights set up, it was beautiful. Gavin set up the music so I could hear the Hypnobirthing tracks It was just like we had planned

Again I found myself in the shower as the water was calming and helping slightly with the back pain. Frankie gave me an injection for then nausea and she then went to get the sterile water injections ready. Jacinta sat down with me and warned me about how painful the injections would be when Frankie came in she also warned me it would be painful and that it was okay to scream. In my mind, I was thinking they are just trying to tell me it's more painful than what it actually is... turns out they were 100% correct!! I was screaming!! But it was instant pain relief!! And I would have them again

Around 9 am Frankie examined me, I was 7cm and we found that baby was facing the wrong way. So I got on to the ground and did some spinning baby techniques. Looking back, this was probably the most uncomfortable part of my labour, but you would be uncomfortable too if you had your head down and your bottom in the air?! I didn't know it at the time but it worked! Gavin was holding my hand the whole time; himself and Jacinta telling me I'm doing a wonderful job, and it would be long until we will meet our baby.

After about an hour I asked Frankie how long until I could hop in the water. She got down on to the floor with me and explain that hopping into the water too soon could slow down labour. After around another 20 minutes or so I looked up at Frankie and said that I was ready to hop into the water. She told me that she and Jacinta were having a hard time reading me because I was so calm and weren't sure that I was far enough along ( after the birth they told me they actually thought the surges had stopped I was that calm) but if I felt I was ready she would run the water.

Even just the sound of the water filling up the bath relaxed me even more. It was around 10 am and Frankie said the pool was ready. My legs felt like jelly so Gavin helped me. I remember the water being warmer than I expected it to be. Jacinta kept putting a cool cloth on my forehead and the top of my neck. After a few minutes in the water, I started to feel the urge to bare down. I could only just hear Frankie and Jacinta, but they had just checked with the torch and I could hear them whispering that the head is just there. I heard Gavin start to cry, and I thought to myself I need to keep in my zone, another surge came and the babies head was out. I remember thinking to myself how long to I have before I need to push the rest of the baby out before it can't breathe in the water, and again I thought to myself get back into your zone they will get me out of the water if they need to. So I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out.

I'm not sure how it came about but Frankie thought the babies shoulder were stuck so she tried to move baby from the front with no luck, Jacinta tried to move baby from the back also with no luck. I was still extremely calm because I was in my zone and wasn't aware of what was happening. I then heard Gavin say to me everything is okay but you need to hop out of the water. I slowly opened my eyes and saw 8 people in front of me. They helped me out of the water and onto the bed. I was on all fours and I can remember them saying to me that they needed me to move further up the bed. As I started to crawl further up the beds I heard Jacinta say if I feel the urge to push I needed to push. So I pushed and at 10:25 am our beautiful baby entered the world. Frankie said I needed to turn into my back as it was safer. As I turned over the 8 others had disappeared and they handed me our beautiful baby. I held our baby so close to my chest, I looked over at Gavin and said we did it, our baby is here. The little cry the baby let out was so precious. I then lifted the baby up, it's a GIRL, and turned to Gavin and said we have a beautiful baby girl.

I was in complete awe of her. I counted her 10 little fingers and her 10 little toes. I don't think anything could have prepared me for the amount of love that instantly filled my heart. She was absolutely perfect.

Welcome to the world Leila Rose 12/02/2020 3.375kgs 7.7 pound 50cm

I got to have plenty of skin on skin with her, and we got to do the delayed cord clamping as planned. And she latched straight away. Gavin got to have some skin on skin with her while I had a shower.

I honestly believe I would have had a completely different labour if I had not done the Positive Birth Course. At no point would I have described my birth as painful, the one word I would use would be empowered! I listened to the affirmations and did the breathing techniques every morning after we completed the course.

I am so thankful for my husband who stayed a lot calmer than I expected. And holding my hand every step of the way. I didn't think I could love him any more, until the moment I saw him look at our daughter for the first time

I am thankful for my best friend Jacinta, I am so lucky to have a best friend that is also a midwife. Throughout the whole pregnancy, no question was too silly and she also mentioned that she had only ever seen 2 women truly Hypnobirth and that was me and another one of your mums Shonleigh (You can listen to Shonleigh and Brents Birth Story HERE)

We are thankful that we got accepted into the birth centre and we were allocated Frankie as our midwife. It was so refreshing to have our midwife on the same wavelength as us, and she really respected our birth preferences. She was a god sent. We were extremely sad when our home visits came to an end

Nicole & Gavin - Gold Coast


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