I went from being told I should plan for a C-Section to having an empowering Natural Birth
I thought I’d email you our birth story after completing The hypnobirthing class with you.
Let’s start with a scare from my 36-week ultrasound resulting in the specialist wanting me to have a planned c-section, the thought of this was nerve-wracking and made me feel like I had the opportunity of a natural birth taken away from me, fast forward three weeks and the scare ended up being a matter not to worry about. Due to the stress I had been through the medical team still offered me a choice of a caesarean, and induction or waiting for natural labour. I was first thinking I’m having a caesarean that’s final, however, after having a good sleep and going back to all our hard work we had done with the preparation of a vaginal birth from the massages to breathing techniques we decided to wait for a natural labour. That night at 39weeks + 4 days I went into spontaneous vaginal labour at 10.30 pm after having a calming bath with our clary sage diffuser and a light touch massage from my partner.
We headed to the hospital and I was 4cm dilated and in “active labour”

Contractions were manageable, I was able to use breathing techniques to get through them and was excited to use the bath and shower, however that happiness was cut short due to losing a considerable amount of blood and had to be connected to monitoring and was only able to walk from one end of the bed to the other. We then remembered let’s use the ball that we used from our hypnobirthing class, I sat/bounced/rocked on that ball whilst my partner continued to do the light massages and get me through the contractions one by one. Unfortunately, they had to break my waters as they were unsure were the bleeding was from.. the pain became unbearable and was being told to stay on the bed!
My body did not want to be anywhere on the bed, I wanted to get off it as soon as I laid down it felt unnatural and the pain became worse. Suddenly MY BODY went onto the ground on to ALL FOURS and I started to push, the midwives insisted I used the gas and NOT PUSH, I refused the gas and said I’m ready to push, I used the ball to lay Infront it and sway back and forth in between contractions, and every contraction I would push down. I could feel every push of my baby moving his way down the birth canal. A few pushes later my baby boy Albie safely arrived and was passed through my legs for me to grab him and have immediate skin to skin. I cried I was in shock that my body had just completed this amazing journey and my baby was there in front of me. I had a few small tears but was so happy they didn’t have to “cut” me and my body tore accordingly with the help of the warm perineal cloth.
My total labour was 6 hours, started at 10.30 pm 24th June and my baby boy was here 25th June at 4.23 am. I had a positive birth experience and was told to share this more for the woman who has only been told scary birth stories.
I’m grateful I had prepared from the hypnobirthing class, had an awesome support partner who was my advocate and rock for the whole labour! Due to the quick labour, I felt I wasn’t able to use all resources but definitely feel even more prepared for next time.

Thank you for all your support and even your email before I gave birth when I informed you I may have to have the caesarean! Your support was still there :)
Love Kelly, Nathan and baby Albie
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