I manifested my dream birth because of Hypnobirthing!
Hi Shari,
Just wanted to share my magical birth story with you.
We completed your Hypnobirthing course on the Gold Coast quite early in our pregnancy journey as I knew I wanted time to practice and become familiar with the Hypnobirthing techniques. We finished your course feeling excited and empowered, ready to learn and strive for the natural, water birth I had always dreamt of having. As my pregnancy progressed the threats of ‘large baby’, ‘induction’, and ‘reassess mode of delivery’ started coming up. I slowly but surely started to lose my confidence and doubt myself and the likely hood of having a natural birth. 2 weeks out from my due date and with a pep talk from my supportive partner, I pulled myself together. Watched as many beautiful hypno waterbirths as I could and manifested my birth.

My partner and I welcomed beautiful Harlow Reign Rooney to the world on Saturday 22/04/2023 (39+5). I lost my mucus plug on the Friday, a day after a labour-inducing acupuncture session. My waters broke on Saturday morning at 6.30 am and contractions started at 8.00 am. I labored at home using the tens machine, breathing techniques taught in your class, jumping in and out of the shower, using the comb, etc. Using your words of advice ‘labour at home as long as you can’ we arrived at the hospital at 6.30 pm and 9cm dilated. My partner and I hopped into the birthing pool at 7.30 pm and I pulled my baby up into my arms at 9.10 pm, walking out of the hospital at 3.30 am Sunday morning. My birth was magical, Harlow was 9.4 pounds so turns out she was a large baby after all but not to large for my body to birth.
Against all odds, my birth was everything I had ever dreamed it would be. Empowering, intuitive and liberating. My baby and I worked together to bring her into the world.
Thank you for all your knowledge and for supporting women on this journey. Belly2birth is not just a Hypnobirthing course it's a movement.
April, Steven, and Harlow
To Booking into a Hypnobirthing Class on the Gold Coast CLICK HERE
To book an online Hypnobirthing Course CLICK HERE