- Apr 13, 2020
At no point would I have described my birth as painful, the one word I would use would be empowered!
This birth story is a true representation of how amazing these techniques are if you're willing to do the practice.
- Apr 3, 2020
I’m so proud of all of us for staying calming and remaining positive through our experience.
Our experience was completely the opposite to what we had pictured for ourselves but we are totally happy with how our beautiful daughter ca
- Apr 3, 2020
So much oxytocin was filled inside that room, I was so proud of myself. I kept saying I DID IT!!
Thank you so much for the part you played in making our birth such an amazing experience!
- Apr 3, 2020
"I really feel like your course prepared us well as a partnership for the birthing process"
Hypnobirthing helps couples who had a not so ideal first birth or even past traumatic birth have a more healing experience for their next.
- Apr 3, 2020
Hypnobirthing prepares you for whatever turn your birthing may take.
Belly2Birth Childbirth Education Classes teaches you to stay calm even with things may take a turn in your labour and birth