- May 19, 2021
This was a sign I was close to birth, it gave me the motivation to keep going!
Monday the 7th December I was 40+6. I had been getting pretty impatient and really wanted my baby to come as my first baby was born at...
- May 17, 2021
I was in my zone, so very deep in my breath and I knew I was getting so much closer.
Laying on the couch on 24 January at 4.30 pm I turned to Isaac and said ‘I think my water just broke’ Initially, both of us were in...
- May 14, 2021
We both felt in control of the situation and were prepared to ask questions.
Hi Shari Thanks for your email. Our baby girl was born 2 weeks ago via c section but despite everything, we had a positive birth...
- May 7, 2021
Thank you for giving me the confidence to bring my gorgeous boy into the world.
I was 39+3 when I woke at 4 am to the sudden feeling of constipation and needing to go the toilet after a little while I noticed the...
- May 5, 2021
It was an amazing birth and I wouldn't change it in the slightest.
Baby Mara made her grand appearance on the 13th of January. I was 41+5 and the birth didn't go as I had hoped however with all the tools...
- May 3, 2021
It was the quick and completely drug-free labour I had dreamt of!
Hey Shari, I just wanted to let you know that our beautiful Eloise was born on Monday 19th of April at 1:55 pm. It was the quick and...
- May 3, 2021
I couldn’t believe I’d actually done it!
Monday 7th December I was 40+6. I had been getting pretty impatient and really wanted my baby to come as my first baby was born at 38+5...
- May 1, 2021
It all just happened so naturally and we are so thankful for the knowledge and power you gave us.
Hi Shari, My husband Brin and I attended your Gold Coast hypnobirthing course in February and I just have no words to justify how much we...