I would live my birth experience over and over again.It was just the best ever!
Hi Shari,
I’m excited to announce we welcomed our beautiful little girl - Luella Marlee on the 10/4/23.
I went into spontaneous labour and she was born at 40+2. I had an incredibly positive birth experience only requiring the use of gas for some of my 24hr marathon labour. It was the most magical and empowering experience of my life.
The midwife on shift when Lu was born was incredible and I was not pressured in anyway at all in any decision. She just let my body take lead.

Our obstetrician was also so wonderful and just stepped in at the end to guide us when I was incredibly fatigued.
We never once felt pressured in any decision.
Haydn and I can’t thank you enough for all the knowledge you provided us, it really helped us both understand birth and everything that comes with it.
We used so many Hypnobirthing techniques that we learnt throughout your course, it really showed me how powerful your mind is and how powerful the female body is! And just what we are capable of - finding an inner strength I never knew I had!
I would live my birth experience over and over again.
It was just the best ever!
Currently loved up in our newborn bubble and it’s the absolute best
Thank you so much for everything!
Love Carly, Haydn and Lu xx