"Our midwives were fantastic and followed our plan to a T!"
We had our beautiful little boy on the 25/11/22, at 40 weeks and 3 days and his birth was incredible. We opted for a natural as possible birth, giving our midwifery team a copy of our birth map, thanks to your Belly2Birth course.
Our midwives were fantastic and followed our plan to a T!
I started doing pelvic floor release exercises at 36 weeks, using the ball to keep my pelvis mobile, ate heaps a dates to soften my cervix and worked on pressure points leading up to the birth.
My contractions started at 10:30pm on the 24th, they were 4 minutes apart and lasted 60 seconds. We left within 30mins to get to the hospital by which time they were 2 mins apart.
Our beautiful boy Rune, was born at 4:58am on the 25th. We used acupressure where Sarah put counter pressure on my pelvis and 30mins before my waters broke and my body started naturally pushing I got in the bath.
Whilst we opted for a physiological third stage, I haemorrhaged between the time Rune entered the world and before delivering his placenta. I lost 1.2 litres of blood, which was a scary experience however, every intervention that was required to support me, both Sarah and I had an extensive understanding of due to doing your Belly2Birth course.
I was given the Pitocin injection to assist in a fastened delivery of Rune's placenta. This was required to determine the location of my haemorrhage and course of treatment. All throughout my birthing experience, our midwives spoke transparently to both Sarah and I. Always referring back to our birth map, they talked us through the pros and cons, risks and benefits of their every move.
All in all, we had an autonomous, informed, consensual birthing experience and welcomed a 4.46kg, 57cm long, and 38cm head circumference baby boy into the world. We left that delivery room feeling empowered, heard, respected and wholesome; we owe a great deal of that to the transformative experience we had by doing the Belly2Birth course!
Thank you so very much Shari! We are honoured and delighted to promote your hypnobirthing course, it's a damn game changer!
I've attached a photo of the moment Rune entered the world for your warm and fuzzies.

Thanks again
Olivia, Sarah and Rune.
To book into a Hypnobirthing Course on the Gold Coast with me CLICK HERE
To book into a Live Online Hypnobirthing course through Zoom CLICK HERE