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Thank you so much for the education on your hypnobirthing course and support you gave us.

My natural birth plan went a little askew when at 37 weeks our growth and well-being scan showed that my placenta had grade 3 calcifications. The recommendation was given to me to go to full term but then be induced due to avoid any complications to Bubs if we went over.

I decided to be induced after many tears and discussions with my partner.

Surprisingly though, the cook's balloon catheter went in at 6 pm the night before for my cervix and on the day of induction when they took it out, I had dilated 5cm.

They manually broke my waters and began the oxytocin drip at 7:40 am.

I did thankfully still get to go through labour listening to my birth playlist with only needing one dose of morphine and much to everyone’s surprise started pushing at 2hrs and 3 minutes.

After 37 minutes of pushing Kennedy Jane Tuttle was born perfect and healthy.

Reflecting back with my midwife, we do believe that the induction kickstarted natural labour due to the speed and intensity and dilatation from 5cm to 10cm in two hours. Plus being woken up at 1 am thinking the cook's catheter was causing cramping could have well and truly been the beginning of early labour.

It wasn’t exactly what I had planned for my birth however it still kind of did go to plan in the end as well.

I didn’t even get a chance to use the rainbow mist playlist ect because it all happened so fast! But my aromatherapy, soft touch by Adam and my birth playlist really got me through those two intense hours. I even had beautiful compliments on my playlist selections.

I can still pinpoint the exact moment I transitioned thanks to your education and explanation of what it was and would be like. My partner actually advised me afterwards that thanks to Hypnobirthing he felt more prepared and equipt dealing with the intensity of the situation. Also a bonus was he didn’t faint and he even accidentally looked at Kennedy crowning!

Thank you so much for touching base and for the education on your hypnobirthing course and support you gave me and Adam in the lead up to Kennedy's birth. I’ve attached some photos for you as we are just so obsessed and in love with our newest addition.

Forever grateful,

To Booking into a Hypnobirthing Class on the Gold Coast CLICK HERE

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