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"I honestly feel like I wouldn’t have been as strong mentally without your course!"

Hi Shari,

I just wanted to let you know how We went!

We had our beautiful baby boy 9th June at 9:16am. So I was definitely in early labour when we spoke.

I began contracting period type cramps the night of the 7th which progressed over the 8th and became quite intense over the day, long contractions 3:10 pretty much from 5pm into the night. My waters released at 12:40 am and the contractions were strong, some 2 minutes some 1 and 3/4:10. I was thinking I must be dilating with this intensity. I spoke with my midwife who said I could come in and get checked or stay home till I felt the need to go in. As we were 10 minutes from the hospital I decided to wait another 2 hrs before going in to be checked as the back pain was starting to become quite painful. We got in there around 2:45 and chose a spec over a VE so I didn’t have to stay if I didn't want to. Being a VBAC the drs were notified too and were supportive. My midwife said I was just starting to dilate but she couldn’t tell me baby’s position clearly but feeling like he was LOP.

I chose to go home and the drs called me (as I work in this hospital I knew the drs working) he recommended due to the nature of my contractions I come back in as they were long, strong and coming quite quickly he thought I’d progress fast. After getting out of the shower and back to the hospital it was around 4am. I was left to labour with Chris on my own, we used all the breathing techniques, partner swaying dance, hip squeezes, rolling hips on birth ball and I have to say the breathing and affirmations in my head kept me focused in the shower. After 1.5 hrs I moved to the side of the bed with the tens machine, this machine saved my life! As I was beginning to believe he was direct OP (had to stay off my back side everything) and the nature of the contractions said OP too.

Around 7am I was checked by my request as I had the urge to push but wasn’t sure I was fully dilated as It had only been 4 hrs since the spec. I was fully dilated and ready to push! Unfortunately a few things happened here but I was well informed and surrounded by drs and midwives I knew so felt very calm. I pushed for 1.5 hrs and had head on view but no progress from here. After review from the dr he said he was direct Op which we thought and he needed some assistance coming out. I had a vacuum birth and tore but he came out after three pushes once being turned into the right position which was great. He also was a compound presentation with his hand up on his cheek and deflexed which was causing the lengthy time pushing and assistance needed.

Looking back I wish I waited longer before pushing as he was sitting quite high but the OP position was telling my body to push.. my midwife said with his deflexed head, and compound presentation, it would be unlikely he would have moved regardless and I still had a strong urge to push. So who knows!!

Very happy in our new family bubble. Thank you so so so much for helping me get through an OP labour and birth with your techniques. I honestly feel like I wouldn’t have been as strong mentally without your course!

Hope you’re well, thanks again,

Belinda, Chris and baby Arlo

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