- Feb 14, 2018
Our 2nd Hypnobirth within only 13 months!
After having my first baby, Arjay, I fell pregnant again when he was 4 months old. Being pregnant, whilst having a 4 month old, people...
- Jan 4, 2018
We never gave up our positive thinking to birth naturally and in the end we got too!
We signed up for Shari’s Hypnobirthing course when we were 26 weeks pregnant. I’d heard such wonderful, positive things about her courses...
- Jul 13, 2017
It is amazing how our bodies just know what to do!
Our beautiful little girl arrived three weeks early on exactly 37 weeks. The labor went really well, it was about 8 all up but probably...
- Sep 13, 2016
"I kept reminding myself that labour is a marathon not a sprint and my reward is my baby boy&qu
Our little boy Riley Michael Kirkpatrick is here he arrived on 13.09.16, 7.3lbs - not the 'big baby' they told me about in the beginning...
- Jan 29, 2014
Harrison Millar - Born 29.01.2014
So, I pretty much had the textbook pregnancy; nausea, smell aversions, reflux, cramping, tender breasts, taste changes and those mood...
- Nov 20, 2013
Nora Elizabeth - Born 20.11.2013
Before I even fell pregnant, I’d always thought to myself, “why would women keep having babies if it was so painful and drugs were...