Our birth Story of Lexi
Our birth Story of Lexi At my last hospital appointment 39+4 they told me they want to induce me on the Sunday night the 12th August as they didn’t want me to go much over my due date which was the 11th. I was not keen on getting induced, I really wanted to go into spontaneous labour! My main wishes for my birth was that I went into spontaneous labour and that I had a vaginal birth! And I got both .

So on Thursday 39+5 I went and got acupuncture to bring on labour. That night I had period like pain on and off all night. Friday I went back and got another lot of acupuncture before the weekend hoping it would work and I wouldn’t have to go in Sunday afternoon. We had a a bbq at my sisters that night and big mistake I didn’t go home till 11pm and on my way home was feeling quite tight and starting to get niggles in my belly. This was also Stus first night back on night shift. I went to bed but woke every hour with more period type pain and by 3am I told stu to come home from work as I timed my contractions and was having 3 in 10 mins already and they were lasting between 45secs to 60secs.
I rang the hospital just to let them know and said I would stay at home. By 6.30 I decided to just go to the hospital to check things out. They checked on me and all was good we went home again. By 1030am surges were very strong and very close so we decided we better go to the hospital.

When we got up there it turns out I was 2cm dilated and nowhere near what I thought I was! The surges were very strong and close so they admitted me cause we just felt better being there as we didn’t really know when we would need to go back as my surges were not telling me anything in terms of time and discomfort! They gave us a private room and bed for stu so it was good and comfortable! We had surges like this all day and then through the night I got sick and was vomiting. Unfortunately this made me dehydrated which slowed my contractions down to 2 in 10mins and by this point I was so exhausted I didn’t want to get up and move. I had lots of pain in my back I was very uncomfortable, stu was doing my pressure points on my back and sometimes I moved his hand away cause I was so uncomfortable! They did an examination at 3am and I was 4cm dilated. So this has been 24hrs now since my proper contractions started and a long time since sleep cause that was the night before! By the time the next lot of staff had change over about 7am I was so exhausted I said to them I’m about to give up and get an epidural so I can sleep and stop feeling this! Well lucky I had told them already I didn’t want an epidural cause they told me I’d said that.

Turns out little Lexi was posterior so no wonder I was so uncomfortable! So up and moving it was to get her to move around! By this point I was given gas which was on very low and it was so good to remind me to breath properly! I did up the gas as the day and surges progressed tho! I had a shower and perked up again ready for another big day of labour. We walked around a bit and also stood over the chair in the birth sweet moving my hips and feet to get this baby moving! We did not sit or lay down all day! When they went to do my last vaginal examination to check baby they couldn’t feel any baby as my membranes were a massive sack right down low but they did not want to break on their own. We decided that the midwife should break them for me to try speed up my labour a bit. They broke them and yes it did speed it up. I was in and out of the shower all day to try and help also. Not too long before we got to pushing stage they ended up giving me the needle (can’t remember what it’s called) but it helps u relax in between contractions might be like morphine. I was about 8cm at this point and felt like I was nearly ready to push. Just before pushing I got up on the bed on all fours and then 10cm here comes Lexi! 5.02pm Sunday 12th August !Omg how amazing! Once her head was out I already felt the relief! Then she was fully out what an amazing feeling! They brought her up under me to do skin to skin and my goodness relief, amazement, love! We did it!!! Best feeling ever ! And I was just so god damn proud that I had a vaginal birth! I had to have stitches after nothing too bad tho! It is so true about the you know when to push your body just does it for you! What a crazy feeling! And obviously little Lexi turned for us thank goodness!
Anyway it wasn’t quite all natural but by the time she was born we were having strong close contractions for 38hours with no sleep for a whole day before that too! So no food, dehydrated and sleep deprived I think we did really well!
Stu was amazing reminding me to breath being so supportive put on my diffuser and hypno tracks ect. At the end of the day it wasn’t exactly how I thought it would be but it was definitely a positive birth and we are super proud! And we are 13days in today and she’s already amazing and sleeping well cause she’s a hypnobub! We did it and i already l
Look back on it and think how amazing !
Kelly & Stuart