Hands down the best experience I could have asked for!
I had such a wonderful birth! It was very different to Quinn’s but equally as calm and beautiful.
We saw our doctor on the Wednesday for our 41-week check and I’d been up the night before with quite a few strong surges so felt like we were close anyway. I asked for a stretch and sweep because I was starting to feel a little anxious as the days were slowly creeping by. Dr said my body was definitely ready and that he thought we would be coming in that night or the following morning.. we walked out his office and my waters broke walking to the car at 12:35.. Within an hour my surges were between 3-4mins apart but I felt really good.

We grabbed some lunch for Quinn and ourselves and by 3 pm my surges were 3mins with a few 2mins apart so decided we better get up to the hospital. We got there at 4 pm and my surges wavered between the 2-3mins for a few hours but I felt great.
All through the last bit of pregnancy, we had been in talks with our Dr regarding him wanting to be a little bit more hands-on in the final part of my birth just to help my body a little more to reduce my tearing but only if my body needed it. It came to 9:30 and I had the really strong urges to bare down which he gave me the all-clear to do so but he noticed how strong my body was instinctively bearing down and decided to intervene.
He was wonderful though. He calmly talked me through what he needed from me and kept us well in the loop of what was happening setting up a mirror so I could see and understand what he was saying!
Within 10mins Connor was out and I only had a minor 1st-degree tear! I honestly can not thank you enough for your phone call the other week. Just talking to you really boosted my confidence and enabled me to really voice my opinion and make better decisions that suited ben and I.
Thankfully my doctor was so respectful of that and really took everything on board. Even in the last 10 minutes when he intervened and said I really need to listen to him I asked Ben to turn off my affirmations and my doctor asked me not to because he knew how much that voice and music worked for me.
Hands down the best experience I could have asked for. I felt so respected and nurtured by everyone in those last 10minutes.

Tamara & Ben
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