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"I really feel like your course prepared us well as a partnership for the birthing process"

Hi Shari, 

We welcomed Oliver on 24 February and couldn’t be more thrilled with how our birth journey went. 

I went to 41 weeks to the day and avoided the medical induction I had for my first birth. The morning of the 24 Feb (at 41 weeks) I accepted the offer of a stretch and sweep and was told I was easily 4 - 5cm dilated. I was told to go home and rest as this baby was indeed on his way!

I awoke around 3:30 pm to some cramping but thought it was because of the sweep. It was coupled with Braxton Hicks but I had been having those since 6 months pregnant so didn’t think much of it. Within an hour, despite only having dull cramping that was very manageable, I noticed the tightening and cramps were becoming more frequent. A friend suggested I start timing them. Over the course of 2 hours, they started coming every 3 - 5 minutes, despite again being very manageable. I called my midwife around 6:30 pm and she suggested I sounded fine and to keep monitoring at home.

After having a very quick labour (2 1/2 hours) with my first son, I listened to my body and asked if I could come into the hospital now. I was concerned about how quickly this could all start happening. I met my midwife at Mater Mothers Hospital at 7:30 pm and I am glad I did as the surges really started to ramp up. At 8:30 pm I was examined and told I was 8cm dilated. I was so excited! I knew I would be meeting my son very soon. 

The disappointment came when I was told all of the birthing suites with birthing pools were taken and my dream of a water birth would not be happening. I quickly got past this knowing I would meet him soon and was able to get through the surges with deep breathing one at a time. Every time I felt like I was losing control I was able to use my affirmations about trusting my body, and that each surge brought me one step closer to holding my baby. I had a complete drug and intervention-free birth and my beautiful son entered the world at 10:29 pm weighing a very healthy 3.99kg. 

I could not have been happier with the way things went (except maybe not having the water birth option). Josh was an amazing birth partner who constantly reminded me of how strong I was and how great I was doing. He massaged me, kept my fluids up and affirmed my strength as an active partner the entire time.

I was very happy with the midwifery group practice care I received through the Mater hospital in terms of respecting my rights and wishes throughout pregnancy and birth. I wasn’t pressured into induction, was asked at every stage what I wanted to do and my opinions were always listened and adhered to. After birth I had no trouble with delayed cord clamping/ cutting, birthing my placenta naturally and having lots of skin to skin and latching time with my baby. 

As it was a complication-free birth we left for home after the 4-hour check and were in our own bed by 3:30 am (5 hours after birth). The follow-up home visits have continued despite a healthy baby boy. I am very pleased with the level of care within our public system.  

I really feel like your course prepared us well as a partnership for the birthing process. 

To book a face-to-face group Hypnobirthing Childbirth Education course with Shari Lyon on the Gold Coast CLICK HERE

To purchase the Journey to Birth Hypnobirthing Online Course CLICK HERE



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