"I couldn’t believe I had done it! At home! 3hrs of active labour and 30mins pushing!".
My Planned Vbac turned unexpected Hbac.
After my first birth ended in an emergency cesarean (induced at 40wks as I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia) I knew that I wanted a different outcome, I wanted to try for a vbac.
Prior to conceiving I decided to do some research and that’s where I first heard about hypno birthing. Listening to women’s stories via the Australian birth Stories podcast I learnt about the benefits it was having on women across Australia and how it was helping them achieve a positive birth whether that be unmedicated, induced or via caesarean, I was very interested in hypnobirthing.
Once we were pregnant my first step was getting into the MGP program at my local hospital, everything I had read/ heard stated how important continuity of care was to help achieve a vbac. I was so happy when I receiving the call I had been accepted, I would have hired a private midwife or doula (or both) if I didn’t get in.
My midwife was absolutely amazing, she was very supportive of my wishes and on the same page with everything I was after in this birth.
My next step was finding a hypnobirthing class, a beautiful friend of mine recommended Shari and I am so happy she did.
To book into a Hypnobirthing Course on the Gold Coast with me CLICK HERE.
Not only are her class’s extremely informative, positive and supportive, she also has the time for all of her birthing couples.
I spent the rest of my pregnancy, doing acupuncture, taking long walks, eating a lot of dates, drinking raspberry leaf tea and doing the hypnobirthing practices.
At 40+6 I had a call from my midwife, we discussed the possibility of being induced at 42wks and we were both happy with that. (no sign of pre eclampsia too yay!) we also decided she would come and do a stretch and sweep the following day.
After the call I decided to put on my birth playlist and hop in the bath.
Once out of the bath I told baby (my belly) that I was ready and got dressed to head out for a family day in the city at the botanicals gardens.
In the car (around 10:30am) I realised I was having tightening's so I decided to time them. When we got to the city they were every 10mins but were very mild and we weren’t sure if they would continue or fizzle out so we got on with our day.
While at Lunch in a restaurant my waters broke (luckily not a big gush haha) and I rushed to the toilet to check they were clear, they were and I noticed I had also lost my mucus plug (Things were happening).
The car ride home is only 30minutes but towards the end I was quite uncomfortable as the surges were getting a little more intense and still coming every 10mins.
I Called my midwife when we got home (2:30pm) and she was happy that my waters were clear and for me to stay and labour at home until I was in active labour.
At 4pm we called my parents and sister to pick up our son and dog. By this time the surges were every 5mins and I had to focus on my breathing to get through each one. My dad looked at me and asked why I wasn’t going to hospital and that I better not have the baby at home, I just laughed him off and told him I had a long way to go (little did I know).
They left at 4:30pm and I decided to hop in the shower for a little relief. The shower on my back helped, although the surges felt a lot more intense standing so I got out, put the tens machine on (highly recommend) and sat on the birthing ball.
Only an hour later at 5:30pm things started to get more intense, I noticed on the tens machine that the surges were coming every 3mins and when I tried to move off the birthing ball they were even closer together, I felt like I couldn’t move and was wondering how I would get into the car to leave for the hospital.
It was time to call my midwife, she decided to head over (she only lived around the corner) and check on me as she didn’t like the fact I felt I couldn’t move.
She only took 15mins but it was the longest 15mins, I remained calm and focused with each surge using my affirmations, breathing and relaxing my face and body.
5:55pm my midwife arrived and we discussed doing a vaginal exam to see how far I was, so in between surges I moved from the ball to the couch the instant I laid down I felt the overwhelming urge to push. “Ok, we are having this baby now!” my midwife said to us, she was then directing Ryan to grab towels and call the ambulance.
Meanwhile I was groaning/screaming through every surge as the feeling to bear down was so intense (never thought I could be so loud haha sorry neighbours) and I was starting to loose control.
My midwife was amazing she helped me gain back control, focus on my breathing and push with each surge, in between she would say “just blow it away” and I did and I was calm again.
I moved into a kneeling position to use gravity and also help with bubs heart rate as it dipped, but eventually ended up on my back propped up with couch cushions on the lounge room floor as I felt most comfortable there.
My midwife grabbed my hand and I could feel bubs head crowning (wow) I then asked to Ryan call my Mum and Holly (my sister) who I had originally planned on having there as extra support and to take photos and videos. They made it just in time to witness her be born (yay).
With Ryan supporting one leg and my midwife on the other I gave one big push and her head was out and then her body followed very quickly after, my midwife handed her straight to me. (We did it!)
And she was here our baby girl Theo was born at 6:31pm and she was perfect. The ambulance turned up just after, we did delayed cord clamping and it was amazing.
I couldn’t believe I had done it! At home! 3hrs of active labour and 30mins pushing! It was the most amazing experience of my life and a day I will treasure forever. I did have a 3a tear which had to be sutured in theatre but overall it was more then I could have hoped for and recovery was really good, we were back home within 24hrs soaking up our new-born bubble.
We are so grateful for all the support we received throughout our pregnancy and labour. We feel very lucky to have not received any push back from anyone regarding our wishes for this birth as I know being a vbac mother can come with its challenges.
Thank you Shari for your classes you are a wealth of knowledge and we (Ryan too) rave about hypno birthing to anyone who wants to hear it.
Chloe & Ryan