Our Obstetrician missed the birth!
Hi Shari Just to let you know that our beautiful boy arrived safely on 14 May at 15:17.

We started the induction around midnight at 38+4 weeks with progesterone gel. At 7am I had my waters broken. By 1pm the contractions were good going but I wasn’t really dilating so we decided to start syntocin. Up until then I’d been using breathing visualisation music and relaxation techniques from Guy and was pretty mobile. Once the drip started I needed gas and air around 2.30, soon after I began to enter transition at which point Guy went to the script to help relax me.
During the labour there were a couple of the affirmations and visualisations that I had used prior that really worked for me and every contraction I used the visualisations and in between the affirmations with light touch from Guy etc, your sessions really helped me focus on what I needed to do the music tracks/tranquil chambers were great to have in the background too.

Around 3 I felt pressure and the urge to bear down. The midwife was a bit in disbelief I was already fully dilated. I stood up to go to the toilet but on the way had similar urges. When she checked Ethan was already crowning he was born with me standing holding onto Guy and was quite magical.
The obstetrician missed it!
We’re all doing well and I’m still a bit in disbelief. Thanks for all your support. Zoe & Guy
Gold Coast